Valiek / novice (in Public Record)

Halcyon January 20 2006 8:04 PM EST

Buying novice's named RoE for 1m. 300k down, the reamaining 700k to be paid within 10 days.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 20 2006 8:07 PM EST

{cb1}novice (The Angry Inch) Valiek (Icey) Rune of Suckage ($11030) 8:07 PM EST

Halcyon January 20 2006 8:14 PM EST

Valiek (Icey) (CB1)Atomicboy (Training Day) $300000 -- DP for Named RoE 8:05 PM EST

Halcyon January 20 2006 8:15 PM EST

Valiek (Icey) (CB1)Atomicboy (Training Day) $100000 -- 600k Remaining 8:14 PM EST
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