Find me a new Virtual Studio. (in Contests)

Doom Lit Sky January 23 2006 10:22 PM EST

I've been using FL Studio 6 for a while now. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am rendered unable to use this sexy program for the next month or so.

100k to whoever can find me the best FREE virtual studio. I've played around with a few free ones, like Notebook for example, and I just can't find one I like.

So Your job is to find me a virtual studio that has as many features as possible, easy to use interface, and most important: FREE


Stephen January 23 2006 10:41 PM EST


Can't get any more free than open source!

PoisoN January 23 2006 11:24 PM EST

Logic Fun: Description


Syntrax PC Version:

Tactile 12000

Anvil Studio (limited to 1 minute)



(check for many more nice OS stuff :)

Cakewalk Sonar Start is a free studio too, but I cannot find a download link, sorry :(

Maelstrom January 24 2006 12:14 AM EST

Though I've never heard of FL Studio 6, I'll vouch for Audacity. I've used it for years, but I suppose I only use the simple features.

Doom Lit Sky January 24 2006 6:25 AM EST

I'm looking for something along the lines of this program, this is the demo version. If you are into music, you should check it out. It's amazing.

I have installed Audacity, although I have no time to "play test it" My room-mate demands sleep :(

Lord of war is a good good good movie. I suggest it.

madmax3 January 24 2006 9:53 AM EST

There aren't really any free virtual studios, let alone good free ones. Demos and trials exist for all, and are free, but are very limited and you can't save.

The cream of the crop is: Reason, Orion Platinum, FL studio.

Then you have your sequencing / mastering applications like cubase, logic, ableton etc.

Maelstrom January 24 2006 10:15 AM EST

DLS, that link for FL Studio goes right to an automatic download of the software. Careful...

Maelstrom January 24 2006 10:23 AM EST

Oh! F L = Fruity loops! I have heard of that!

All I use Audacity for is simple wave editing and mixing, but the vast number of knobs, tools, toys, and utilities in FLStudio are very tempting :)

Doom Lit Sky January 25 2006 4:38 AM EST

FL is VERY amazing, I write all my drum and bass in FLS 6.

It does? That link I put up SHOULD go to the page where you can download the demo. atleast it does for me. :S

My friend was telling me about a program much like FL Studio, where you can create some awesome Drum and Bass, that he got for free. :S That is what I'm looking for :(

I hope I don't seriously have to go without creating for a whole month :( Bah!

Maelstrom January 25 2006 9:21 AM EST

I just did a quick search online and found this: Ace of WAV v2.6 - Shareware trial, only $45 to buy.

That site also has a variety of downloadable audio editors, some of which are freeware, but most are shareware. Wouldn't hurt to take a look.

I also found an Italian site with English reviews of books on using audio editors. They have a list of freeware audio editors, though the page is in Italian.

BrandonLP January 25 2006 10:21 AM EST

You're not going to get amazing results, or even halfway decent sounds, from a free studio, especially since it sounds like you're using it for composition.

For years, I did everything in Sonar until I had a friend suggest Reason and Cubase. Between the two, I can do anything and make it sound nearly professional. I have unopened, fully-licensed copies of both pieces of software, albeit they're not the latest and greatest versions. PM me if you're interested.
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