Black Market bug? (in General)

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth January 30 2006 1:04 PM EST

Well the title says it all...I went to place my vote in the Black Market and it's telling me I have already voted this week...I checked all the items with votes and I don't see my name anywhere. What's up with that?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 30 2006 1:06 PM EST

"Echo!", "Echo", "echo".

This thread has been created numerous times, keep trying each day and it'll come back, mine did.
Try 7 days from the last time you voted, that can also help.

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth January 30 2006 1:07 PM EST

Ahh thanks...I wasn't aware of that. I'll just try again tomorrow.
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