RoBF eh? (in General)

QBOddBird January 30 2006 9:09 PM EST

Whaaaat? Mine doesn't retaliate when I'm hit by DD. That kind of stinks. =(

Eh, just felt like mentioning that.

QBPixel Sage January 30 2006 9:24 PM EST

Yeah, that tattoo is one of the least useful for its limited use. It only retaliates (with fire damage) against physical attacks. I believe since its magic damage that is returned, things like Mage Shield reduces its damage.

Also, the tattoo only lowers FB damage, so it would be useless against mages like me who use MM. On another note, it lost its Evasion effect, which is a bummer.

Maybe RoBF needs to be... un-nerfed?

QBOddBird January 30 2006 9:28 PM EST

Simply giving it the ability to retaliate both types of damage would redeem it a fair bit. In doing so, everyone who hits you would get hurt, allowing it and GA to be a pretty decent combination, as well as AMF. Otherwise, it is only a tank specific tattoo, and that helps me none....sheesh.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 30 2006 11:31 PM EST

the requests for RoBF change have done enough damage, but I think what's needed here is better strats, would a wall wearing the RoBF in front of FB mage be any good?

Add R O B F Add R O B F

Maelstrom January 30 2006 11:43 PM EST

RBF works

sssimmo January 30 2006 11:49 PM EST

Yup FB...not a chance against it.

Maelstrom January 30 2006 11:53 PM EST

err... I meant that the spellchecker's accepted abbreviated is RBF, not that the RBF is a decent item to actually use.
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