looking for 300k loan (in General)

Doom Lit Sky February 3 2006 6:11 PM EST

Yeah I need a 300k loan, I'll pay 5%, will have it back within a week. I say a week only because you never know when RL will come into play. But if you ask anyone who has done business with me, I'm very quick on returning cash.

SNK3R February 3 2006 6:20 PM EST

You should have posted this in the FS/WTB thread.

"This is for advertisements of characters or non-forging services (such as loans, item naming, supporterships, etc.) for sale or wanted-to-buy."

Doom Lit Sky February 3 2006 6:27 PM EST

:( I wasn't sure. So does this mean I get a fine, or do I need to send the fs/wtb charge to central bank? or?

QBPixel Sage February 3 2006 7:06 PM EST

Go notify an admin or subadmin of your mistake, I'm sure they'll be lenient =D. If not, then make sure you do it next time... regardless.

QBOddBird February 3 2006 7:25 PM EST

either way, I'll give you the loan. Money's being sent right after I post this.
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