Google Cache + CB1 (in Off-topic)

{CB1ate}aupStar February 5 2006 5:36 AM EST

Whilst carrying a bookshelf (stacked with books btw) I became curious as to what would come up if I were to say type in the word aupStar on google! At once I placed the bookshelf atop my head and proceeded to turn on my comp and go online. Disappointingly no porn sites popped up but on the bright side it turns out that there's heaps of CB1 stuff still on google's chache! This includes past changelogs, character stats and transfer logs. You name it and google cache has it! Sometimes it's simple a matter of typing in the old URL and clicking on the conveniently placed cached link. This interesting phenomenon has given me an idea of unsightly proportions! Recreating the CB1 forums through google's cached websites would be something truly magnificent!

Please enlighten me on your thoughts and concerns about where this might lead to...=) For now I see no negatives or side effects...o_O

bartjan February 5 2006 5:58 AM EST

Also see the Wayback Machine

Maelstrom February 5 2006 11:39 AM EST

Whoa... that site is amazing G Beee. Interesting to see how the main page has changed over the years, especially before I started.

Take a look at this: Jan 20, 2002 . It's surprising how information the main page used to be. And that the raves from critics have changed over time.

Maelstrom February 5 2006 11:41 AM EST

Err... how *informative* the...

bartjan February 5 2006 12:02 PM EST

G Beee?

Maelstrom February 5 2006 12:23 PM EST

Don't mind me, too much partying last night...

Sukotto [lookingglas] February 5 2006 1:54 PM EST

Multi bartjan, G Beee!

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