Strat Iders (in General)

{CB1}Lukeyman February 9 2006 8:44 PM EST

Hey, I want to add another minion to my strat Lukemania, but i have no lcue what to do... I know i wil change FB to CoC due to splash,but I dont know what kind of character will be most effective in battle on a new minion, Tank, enchanter..?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 9 2006 8:45 PM EST

Or just stay with Single Mage?

Maelstrom February 9 2006 8:58 PM EST

I typically stick with a single mage until 100k MPR, but that's just me. Do you have any tank/enchanter gear? It's probably a good idea to save up and buy those before hiring a new minion.

{CB1ate}aupStar February 9 2006 9:33 PM EST

I agree with Maelstrom 100%! ^_^ Some great advice you got there mate! =)
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