We can't see clear... (in Contests)

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 9 2006 10:22 PM EST

... but what we see is all right
we make up what we can't hear
and then we sing all night

maulaxe February 9 2006 10:24 PM EST

Eric's trip
Daydream Nation

maulaxe February 9 2006 10:27 PM EST

Sonic Youth

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 9 2006 10:35 PM EST

Oxtetor Oxtetor Oxtetor (Riffwraith) maulaxe (lvl 20 NPC commoners) $5000 -- yr good 10:32 PM EST
I'll do another.

maulaxe February 9 2006 10:39 PM EST

does google have a character? 'cus that really who won the contest...

thanks anyways!

maybe to make them not googleable (or at least not as easily googleable) replace a word in each phrase with a blank. or something like that.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 9 2006 10:40 PM EST

Yeah the new one isn't easily google-able.
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