Huge question about bidding problem (in General)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 10 2006 9:02 PM EST

Voted for this TSA

Everytime i vote for this i get this error.....

"Bid rejected: if you won this auction your active Character would go over the limit of 10 unequipped armor."

I only have ONE character with unequipped armor, and its /\quaTeenHungerForce, but he only has 3 things of HLA's, so my question is why am i getting this error? (Yes, i did check my other characters, none have unequipped armor)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 10 2006 9:02 PM EST

sorry, voted = Bid*

Maelstrom February 10 2006 9:06 PM EST

the unequipped item list includes items in rentals or on loans

trigun February 10 2006 11:35 PM EST

if thats the case...put some money on another character and bid using that character.^_^
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