would it be legal? Admin clarification needed (in Public Record)

WeaponX February 11 2006 9:44 AM EST

if my brother sends me an item? my brother Blackheart is in town and wants to send me his tattoo. i was wondering if he sent it from a different IP to show proof we are different people would it be legal?

bartjan February 11 2006 9:46 AM EST

Why would it be illegal?

WeaponX February 11 2006 9:49 AM EST

we played from the same computer while he played and i want to be 100% sure. seems as if your saying we can do it so i will call him and tell him he can send it. thank you Bart

bartjan February 11 2006 10:03 AM EST

Transfers by itself do not make a multi, but they can help use decide if it's a multi, or friends/family.
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