Who Am I (in Contests)

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 5:10 PM EST


Alright, last one went ok, so lets do another!! And this time... with Bold and other jazzy HTML things! :D

Hows it works : You ask a question such as "Are you bald?" in the form of;
Q : Are you bald?
When you ask this you are given a guess that is stored to be used WHENEVER you wish, any time you think of something, just post if you want guesses can be posted at will (if you have them stored). And are in the form of;
G : You are the baby from family guy!

*To enter send 2K to character "WhoAmI" and post your question.
*Do not guess unless you have a guess stored.
*Only post ONE QUESTION at a time, so if someone has a question waiting to be answered, dont ask, you will be ignored, and you will have to pay another 2k to ask another one.
*Please always use either Q or G, if not once again you will be ignored. If someone does not use a Q, feel free to ask a question, ignore them.
*You may guess at any time before / after questions / guesses.
*Ask questions that can be answered only YES or NO

Alrighty, Got it? Good, Lets Start!

th00p February 13 2006 5:11 PM EST

Are you a woman?

th00p (Mazrim Taim) {CB1}Lukey (WhoAmI) $2000 5:10 PM EST

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 5:15 PM EST

Pot: 2k

I am a woman.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

Mem February 13 2006 5:16 PM EST

Q: Are you a male?

Mem (The First) {CB1}Lukey (WhoAmI) $2000 5:15 PM EST

Mem February 13 2006 5:17 PM EST

Hey! thoop disobeyed the rules!

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 5:17 PM EST

Pot: 4k

I am a woman. I am not a male.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(1), Mem(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 5:19 PM EST

yeah, haha, i'll catch on after another Q or 2, don't worry.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 13 2006 5:20 PM EST

Q: Are you dead?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 5:28 PM EST

Pot: 6k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead.

Guesses Stored:
Th00p(1), Mem(1), Ox(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

RedWolf February 13 2006 5:35 PM EST

Q: Are you white?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 7:58 PM EST

Pot: 8k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(1), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

RedWolf February 13 2006 8:01 PM EST

Q: Do you work in government/politics?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 13 2006 9:59 PM EST

Pot: 10k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(1), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2)

Incorrect Guesses:

th00p February 14 2006 1:42 AM EST

th00p (Mazrim Taim) {CB1}Lukey (WhoAmI) $2000 1:42 AM EST

Q: Are you real?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 14 2006 2:51 PM EST

Pot: 12k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(2), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2)

Incorrect Guesses:

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] February 14 2006 3:53 PM EST

Q: Do you work in the entertainment industry?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 14 2006 8:19 PM EST

Pot: 14k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(2), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

th00p February 14 2006 8:21 PM EST

Q: Are you under the age of 25?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 14 2006 8:23 PM EST

Pot: 16k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] February 14 2006 8:27 PM EST

Q: Are you a musician?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 14 2006 9:16 PM EST

Pot: 18k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(2)

Incorrect Guesses:

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] February 14 2006 10:20 PM EST

Q: Is your hair blond?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 15 2006 5:05 PM EST

Pot: 20kk


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician. I do not have blonde hair.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(3)

Incorrect Guesses:

Maelstrom February 15 2006 5:07 PM EST

Maelstrom (Ragnvald) {CB1}Lukey (WhoAmI) $2000 -- q 5:06 PM EST

Q: Are you a pop/rock musician (as opposed to country/classical/jazz/etc)?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 15 2006 9:37 PM EST

Pot: 22k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician. I do not have blonde hair. I am not a pop/rock musician.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(3) Mael(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

Ammon [The Black Tower] February 15 2006 10:16 PM EST

Q: are you a country singer?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 16 2006 12:58 PM EST

Pot: 24k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician. I do not have blonde hair. I am not a pop/rock musician. I am a country Singer.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(3) Mael(1) Ammon(1)

Incorrect Guesses:

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] February 16 2006 1:22 PM EST

Q: Are you married to a country singer?

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 16 2006 3:10 PM EST

G: You are June Carter Cash

{CB1}Lukeyman February 16 2006 3:52 PM EST

Pot: 26k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician. I do not have blonde hair. I am not a pop/rock musician. I am a country Singer. I am not married to a country singer.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(0), Reddeh(2) Karmic(3) Mael(1) Ammon(1)

Incorrect Guesses: (Ox)June Carter Cash

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 16 2006 3:56 PM EST

hehe i knew i should have been patient and waited for that answer

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 16 2006 3:57 PM EST

Q: Are you below the age of 50?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 16 2006 5:00 PM EST

Pot: 28k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician. I do not have blonde hair. I am not a pop/rock musician. I am a country Singer. I am not married to a country singer. I am not below the age of 50.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(3) Mael(1) Ammon(1)

Incorrect Guesses: (Ox)June Carter Cash

th00p February 16 2006 5:03 PM EST

Guess: Goldie Hawn

JAFO February 16 2006 5:07 PM EST

JAFO (Olei) {CB1}Lukey (WhoAmI) $2000 5:06 PM EST

Q: Have you ever appeared in or been the subject of a theatrical-release film?

Halcyon February 17 2006 2:17 AM EST

Guess: Mellisa Etherige?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 17 2006 7:01 AM EST

Pot: 30k


I am a woman. I am not a male. I am not dead. I am white. I do not work in the government/politics. I am real. I work in the entertainment industry. I am not under the age of 25. I am a musician. I do not have blonde hair. I am not a pop/rock musician. I am a country Singer. I am not married to a country singer. I am not below the age of 50. I was in a theatrical Film.

Guesses Stored:Th00p(3), Mem(1), Ox(1), Reddeh(2) Karmic(3) Mael(1) Ammon(1) JAFO(1)

Incorrect Guesses: (Ox)June Carter Cash, (th00p)Goldie Hawn, (Val)Mellisa Ethridge.

JAFO February 17 2006 10:51 AM EST

JAFO (Olei) {CB1}Lukey (WhoAmI) $2000 10:31 AM EST

Q: Have you ever won CMA's 'Entertainer of the Year' Award?

Maelstrom February 17 2006 11:02 AM EST

Valiek, Melissa Etheridge is neither older than 50, nor is she a country singer...

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 17 2006 12:35 PM EST

G: Reba McEntire

th00p February 17 2006 3:40 PM EST

Guess: Dolly Parton!

{CB1}Lukeyman February 17 2006 5:14 PM EST

Wow, very short one, Congrats Ox, you won!!

Answer was Reba!!!

I will send money in a min.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 17 2006 5:24 PM EST


JAFO February 17 2006 5:49 PM EST

you know... i was zeroing in on reba, hence my last question, which never got answered... LOL oh well... I almost submitted the guess with the question, but decided to wait til i got an answer... next time i guess i shouldnt wait.
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