Clan Jago is recruiting - get your 10%+ Bonus now! (in General)

Shadowsparkle [Jago] February 15 2006 8:17 AM EST

Clan Jago is looking for a new member who can provide a net score CP of about 1k every day.

The lower your PR the better. New (NCB) char prefer.

If you fight enough every day and a bonus of 10%+ sounds good to you,

Clan Jago!

CM me for any questions you may have.

Shadowsparkle [Jago] February 16 2006 5:02 AM EST

One place is gone, but we can take another member.
If you're low PR and interested to join, CM me.

Shadowsparkle [Jago] February 18 2006 4:55 AM EST

We can still take one more member!
If you're an active fighter and can contribute enough clan points every day, contact me now.

YOU February 18 2006 10:20 AM EST

If I join, will you stop farming me?

Darkwalker [Jago] February 21 2006 7:05 AM EST

saw your post... can contribute 3k-5k clan points per week minimum... more if work allows... so where can i sign up?
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