Wrong score (in General)

Pet0sh February 18 2006 12:30 AM EST

The score, level number thing next to my name (Pet0sh) is quite far off.

When I played last on Tuesday, it was at 2400.

Now I'm at 19,353?????

PirateKing February 18 2006 12:33 AM EST

Looks like you may have won some key battles against other players that attacked you. :)

Pet0sh February 18 2006 12:38 AM EST

Uhh...I highly doubt that.

Anyone I click on easily kills all my characters leaving me at about -500 health for all.

This leads to expensive healing and all.

I am not about to click lower all the way down to 2000.
Unless some extremely high level 50000 guy somehow lost to me, I think there's a bug somewhere.

It goes without saying that I need someone to put my score to a normal level.

SNK3R February 18 2006 12:39 AM EST

Hit the 'reset' button next the fight list to reset the opponent fight list location.

Pet0sh February 18 2006 12:41 AM EST

been there, done that. Looks like my score is right, my graph shows a HUUGE spike. But this sucks, losing to anyone who challenges me.

Any way to lower my score?

SNK3R February 18 2006 12:43 AM EST

Your score is quite higher than your PR and MPR. You just need to fight guys near your MPR/PR level for a little while. If you become a supporter, there's a feature to re-order your fight list by PR instead of score.

Pet0sh February 18 2006 12:45 AM EST

Sorry, I'm new to CB2. (kinda, played, stopped, back)

What's PR and MPR?

Also, could I just wait, and have guys beat me up till I fall back to normal level? Will that cost me money to heal my guys?

SNK3R February 18 2006 12:48 AM EST

Check in the Wiki for some vital information. You can also click 'PR' and 'MPR' on the main page to get directed there.

Your score will drop if guys with lower score beat up on you. This will normally drop your score. Seeing as how you're in the pretty low range, I don't see that happening too well in the future. My suggestion is to just click the lower button for a while to get up in ranks some. Then you'll have more 'real' opponents attacking you, which would, in effect, make your score drop a bit letting you stay in some kind of "range" where you may or may not be suitable, depending on your case.

SNK3R February 18 2006 12:49 AM EST

Sorry for not being specific enough: the wiki link is in the left frame in the middle to the upper left.

Maelstrom February 18 2006 12:49 AM EST

Don't worry, your score isn't too high. After just a handful more fights won, you should get your MPR right up there.

Tens of thousands don't make such a big deal in this game, though hundreds of thousands do: when your score gets to 200,000 but your MPR is still 50,000, then you can complain ;)

Pet0sh February 18 2006 12:52 AM EST

ok, i can figure it out from here i guess
wow, these forums are quite active. And helpful
Thanks SNK3R, Maelstrom, and Pirateking.

Well, CB is just kinda what I'm doing for fun.
Is there any way to check though, who it was that made my score fly up?
the battle log doesn't ge far back enough to show.

Although some people in the 4000's who beat me went waaaaayyyy uppp

SNK3R February 18 2006 12:54 AM EST

Your battle log doesn't seem to show anything that you've done other than the past few days. Normally you can find everything you need for statistical analysis in your battle log for finding out which people lost to you, what their score could have been around, etc.

Good luck!
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