Doctors Without Borders Benefit CD (in Off-topic)

Maelstrom February 20 2006 11:19 PM EST

Jnana Records have released a 5-CD compilation, called Not Alone, as a benefit for Médecins Sans Frontierès (aka Doctors Without Borders). I just received my copy in the mail today. I am in no way associated with any of these organizations, but I decided I'd try to get the word out about the album.

As stated on their website, Doctors Without Borders "is an international humanitarian aid organisation that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries." They've been in operation since 1971, are politically non-partisan, and are generally considered to be one of the most effective aid organizations in the world.

The album costs only US $24.99, plus shipping. Due to it being a boxed set, shipping is $7-$14. All money made from the CD sales (aside from covering production costs) is being donated to Doctors Without Borders.

The album contains 86 songs (6 hours of music!) with a wide variety of styles, and almost all of it is previously unreleased. The music is "alternative", in the sense that it's hard to categorize - even for me, and I'm normally very good at that! Most of the artists are pretty unknown and independent, quite a bit of it is experimental, and very little of it could be considered to be "pop" by normal standards.

For a general overview of musical styles, there's soft, acoustic and folk rock, alt-rock, just-plain-rock, assorted styles of ambient music, and experimental electro, including the bleep-click, drone, and noise varieties.

I've only heard of about 20 of the artists, though many of those I don't really know are sideprojects or friends of groups that I do know. I'm nearly overwhelmed with great new artists that I need to look up!

So, for only $30-$40, you get to discover piles of interesting and original new music, and feel good about it because you're helping out doctors around the world. Order it now in the Jnana Records Shop.

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