A grey area? (in General)

PirateKing February 23 2006 10:53 PM EST

I have a question regarding the FS/WTB section of the forums. Is this for CB related sales only? Or can I post threads hawking stuff that has little or nothing to do with this game?

No... this is not a joke question.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] February 23 2006 10:53 PM EST

You can sell or WTB anything.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] February 24 2006 12:26 AM EST

what on earth are you planning on posting? lol

PirateKing February 24 2006 12:38 AM EST

"what on earth are you planning on posting?"

As of right now... nothing. But I would like an answer from someone in authority before I do post anything. Don't want to be fined, you know.

Flamey February 24 2006 12:42 AM EST

well there is already someone selling magic cards nothing has happened to them i would say your pretty safe

Special J February 24 2006 1:20 AM EST

It's fine as long as it is not a sale that CB can get in trouble for allowing, much like ebay gets in trouble for being the bridge between buyers and sellers of certain game accounts.

CmdrHawkeye February 24 2006 9:21 AM EST

What are you planning to sell? a house, car, life insurance. :)
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