Who ACTIVELY plays M:tG? (in Off-topic)

Halcyon February 27 2006 6:53 AM EST

Looking to see who is ACTIVELY playing M:tG?

Thinking of sharing deck ideas, Magic: 101, etc.

I have been playing off an on for 13 years since Revised. My knoweldge is high in Odessy-Legions, and 9th Edition to current.

I make a bunch of crazy combo decks, fun decks, and the like.

Basicly, would like to know who would be interested in the idea, of Magic: 101?

So, if your actively playing, say so, and if for the 101, also indecate that too please.

Tsabo Rashdak February 27 2006 8:17 AM EST

Ive played magic the gathering for about ten years. Im probably more experienced with the older ages, such as ice age. I play when i can find someone that is interested. The M:tG room 101 sounds cool.

BMWheatley February 27 2006 9:04 AM EST

ive been playing for about 5 years. playing in tournament since scourge. i like the idea on Magic: 101. : )

Halcyon February 27 2006 3:51 PM EST

Just 2? I know there are more of you :)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] February 27 2006 3:55 PM EST

I enjoy playing casually when I get the chance. I just don't know that many people that play is my main problem lol. It's fun though.

What's Magic 101 anyway?

Halcyon February 27 2006 4:20 PM EST

Well, more so explaining stuff/rulings, sharing deck ideas. I will post EVERY deck that I make, that can win quickly, and effectivly. And other stuff. Here is my newest deck, I call it UG Phantom: Creatures: 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Drift of Phantasms 2 Petrified Wood-Kin 4 Phantom Warrior Other Spells: 4 Giant Growth 4 Kodama's Reach 4 Moldervine Cloak 4 Muddle the Mixture 3 Privileged Position 2 Sensei's Divining Top 3 Umezawa's Jitte Lands: 12 Forest 10 Island Sideboard: 3 Jester's Cap 4 Mana Leak 2 Mirror Gallery 3 Pithing Needle 3 Rewind Total deck value: $349.13 This deck idea, is simple. Unblockable creature, that hits hard, then harder. I've won with it on turn 5, so that isn't too bad. Just a sample of stuff that would be put in M:tG 101
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