Name my minions(2 tickets in my next lottery free) (in Contests)

Flamey March 3 2006 2:06 AM EST

my minion names are basic, actually what the game generated so i would like some good names but i cant think of any.

so 1st place will get 2 free tickets in my next lottery valued at 30k

2nd place will get 1 free ticket valued at 10k.

i have 4 minions you can enter as many times as you want.

preferably, like medieval related, if its different and i like it you can still win.

i will stop this when i find good names.

i think thats all.


Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 3 2006 2:31 AM EST

Here's just a couple ideas off the top of my head:
Flame related: Char, Singe, Burn, & Smolder
Medieval related: Duke, Earl, Baron, & Marquis
Or: Bob the Priest Guy, Bono the No-No to Magic Guy, Bill the Burning Guy, & Bootsy the Sword Guy
Random: Hindrance, Blockade, Interference, & Obstruction
Or: Cataclysm, Apocalypse, Ragnarok, & Cher

Flamey March 3 2006 2:38 AM EST

i like apocalypse i will be naming that to my mage, i just thought of a name for my tank,Annihilator(spellchecker marks this as wrong,but its right).

so for my 2 enchanters i need names!

if i like 2 names i will give 2 tickets for those each.(if their different people)

so vaynard, you get 2 tix already.Thanks

Halcyon March 3 2006 2:51 AM EST

How bout, Pro & Tect?

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] March 3 2006 2:54 AM EST

Fountain of Life
Reflecting Pool

rufen March 3 2006 6:53 AM EST

AS Enchant:
Trusted Shield
2 Digit Damage

GA Enchant:
Right Back at Ya
Counter Attack

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] March 3 2006 6:56 AM EST

1: i'm 2: the 3: flame 4:boy

GO PATS March 3 2006 7:27 AM EST

Zauberer = "Enchanter" Hexen = "Magic" Hexenmeister = "Wizard" Jagerfeld = Hunter Shield... Just a few thoughts. (I like the sound of German words... don't speak it too well though... :) )

[me]Davis March 4 2006 8:18 AM EST

These are all from the dark tower series...

Dinh (leader)
The Man in Black
The Crimson King
Tick-Tock Man
The Pusher
The Lady of Shadows
The Prisoner

...just suggestions

QBOddBird March 4 2006 10:14 AM EST

Big Red Target <~~~ 1st minion
Ow don't hurt me!<~~~ 2nd minion

Your MOM <~~~ 1st minion
goes to college <~~~ 2nd minion

Gasoline <~~~ 1st minion
the match <~~~ 2nd minion

and others, but my fingers are still tired from earlier typing.

Flamey March 6 2006 1:04 AM EST

i chose Fountain of Life and Counter-Attack.

logan666 and rufen.


so next lottery, vaynard, logan, and rufen. you guys just post 2 numbers and i will them up for free, still 5 is max if you guys buy more.

thanks all for playing!
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