50k WinXP Theme Contest (in Contests)

{CB1}Lukeyman March 4 2006 9:54 AM EST

Well, I was looking around, and I saw some cool Window XP Themes that you can downlaod and such, And I was wondering if anyone on here knew how to make them.

I will give 50k to the Best Window XP Theme made for me. Maybe more money if it's really good!

IT MUST BE ABOUT CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[T]Vestax March 4 2006 11:04 AM EST

Oh great, a perfect chance to work on my Blame Canada Theme. Hope you like South Park.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 4 2006 3:22 PM EST

It must be about canada, in a good way! like colors and such

YOU March 4 2006 4:14 PM EST

canada in a good way? Can you give me some specific example? I spent a good bit of time sitting here and still can't come up with anything.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 4 2006 4:37 PM EST

Oh you people, so mean!

Just use the colors of Canada, and put the flag in there or something
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