realms / characters (in General)

Flamey March 17 2006 12:43 AM EST

it says that the if the character is older than the account(i.e. bought off someone)than that will be used to determine what realm you are in.

now i got into lorien a couple days ago, and down below stats i have been seeing people who are in gondor.

if i am correct on the sidebar under stats those are the people who are in your realm only, including winning streaks.

e.g. Net Worth:
Mikel III ($176,465,876)
Mishras Factory ($152,465,909) (exclusion)(lorien)
The Lega ($98,127,661)
Big Renter ($74,085,514)
ElvenBlackMage ($67,321,442) (exclusion)(lorien)

now these characters that are not excluded are all in gondor, and their characters have been made on the day of sign up or after.

so they did not have a character that puts them up to gondor.

so how come i can see them when i am in lorien and they are in gondor?

don't be mean :)


Lumpy Koala March 17 2006 1:09 AM EST

.... what are you trying to prove ? And does it really affect anything?

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] March 17 2006 4:20 AM EST

if your character has enough money or some other stat they will be shown in any realm, im in revindell and you can see me in gondor under 1minions, if there arent much of those you will be put there but correct me if im wrong
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