possible multi needs schooling (in Public Record)

drudge March 21 2006 8:37 PM EST

Flame Demon (Ubijoy)
Flame Lord (Choconne)

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] March 21 2006 8:46 PM EST

i have spoken to him in PM, he stated that he helped his brother make the account. I know this is a typical line of a multi, however unless transfers take place between the two its not considered a "Multi".

I have told him to make a post and to state that he understands what will happen if he does make any transfers between the two. :)

BlueWolf March 22 2006 10:38 AM EST

Well, i've gotten two different people to make accounts, i've let admins know, but i did let someone use my computer. Me and a person named "juggalo" without quotes, don't use the same computer, we are at school, where proxy settings make it so that every computer at the school has the same IP address. They can look into this all they want, they can tail me, but it willl never happen. and we both know it, i fight him just because i can. But there's nothing between us besides teh fact that we use computers at the same school.
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