Tattoo Purchase (in Public Record)

wyrm421 March 26 2006 10:09 AM EST

Wyrm to buy Tatt from Chelon.

Terms are as follows:

Chelon: 500+k Exp ToA ((to be Inked into a RoS)) is to be given to Wyrm upon receiving his down payment.

Wyrm: $2.8mil + 300+k Exp LRoS is to be sent to Chelon. Upon receiving the agreed on tatt will send and additional $1.2 mil within 7 to 10 days to Chelon.

Furthermore, If Wyrm is not able to meet the required time limit... he reservers the right to ask for a slight addition to the alloted time.


chelon March 26 2006 10:47 PM EST


chelon March 26 2006 11:01 PM EST

wyrm421 (wyrm) chelon (chelon1) A Lesser Rune of Solitude ($5888420) 11:00 PM EST
chelon (Pringles) wyrm421 (wyrm) The O-LINE ($10057828) 10:59 PM EST
wyrm421 (wyrm) chelon (chelon1) $2800000 10:55 PM EST

chelon April 1 2006 1:58 PM EST

deal done
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