Join Fierce Invalids! (in General)

Maelstrom March 26 2006 7:12 PM EST

Most of us have started new NCB characters, so there's lots of room for more members. In fact "The max PR you can accept is 14,567,222."

With just our five members, we normally have a bonus of around 10%, sometimes more, sometimes less.

I expect members to raise at least 7000 clan points per week. Anyone is welcome to join, provided they can raise enough points.

Maelstrom March 26 2006 8:49 PM EST

Whoa. "I Love You" ate up a lot of that PR allowance. Apply now, while there's still room!

"The max PR you can accept is 1,489,287."


ArthurPendragon March 28 2006 2:15 AM EST

Can I still apply or is there no room now?

Maelstrom March 28 2006 8:25 AM EST

"The max PR you can accept is 23,900."

If there's anyone that can fit in, apply now :)
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