Fined Jonathan. (in Public Record)

AdminG Beee March 27 2006 1:59 PM EST

25k for non-pg on forum. And I'll double that for every other person who uses the word in chat or forums from now. Schools over children...

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2006 2:03 PM EST

Thank you G_Beee, it's nice to know someone in the administration accually knows how to act right towards others, and is able to handle things in a dignified manner.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2006 2:18 PM EST

That's stupid!! You can't fine him, it just goes right back to him, hence, was what my rant was going to be about, till you said no more "word". but yeah, that's not very fair.
I could go on forever about how, yes I know, im acting like a baby, he made the game and everything, so why should we say it's unfair and everything like that?
I don't care anymore, CB is an Oligarchy, just like Sparta was. Only Jon, and those about all of us normal people will be able to choose anything, and we all have to sit here and wait to burn

[Cb2]Fool March 27 2006 2:19 PM EST

you fined this Jonathan?

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2006 2:20 PM EST

G_Beee moved 25k from his admin character to Central Bank, so if anything, the community was fined, as G usually uses the admin money as contests and such, to give back to the community, so yeah.

But I have nothing agaisnt G, in my eyes, he is the only admin that is accually a good man.

AdminG Beee March 27 2006 2:35 PM EST

I didn't fine my admin character. I followed normal protocol and removed the money from expostfacto before writing it onto my admin character. The money is then transferred to central bank from mine to keep an audit trail.

Further comments on this thread are not really welcome or necessary imo, time to move on folks and forget about it please.

AdminJonathan March 27 2006 4:46 PM EST

Sorry, GB.

I guess like it or not I'm sort of a role model here, so all the kids get a little crazy when I set a bad example. Sorry 'bout that.

Just goes to demonstrate the kind of immaturity that pissed me off in the first place, tho. :-|
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