Karmic Mishap//Chappy forging deal (in Public Record)

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] April 1 2006 3:22 PM EST

All right. I've been forging Chappy DB's, the named 'Lightning Greaves' since they were +75 ($7,516,649). As agreed in an earlier thread, chappy will pay me 72% of the total NW difference to bring these boots to +100 ($15,353,524). They are currently +95 ($13,522,907). This thread is to both keep track of all the money and acknowledge that chappy has bought a pair of CMLs from me for 450k, as well as purchasing an Adam FOR me for $2,187,911. Not only that, but I have already received 1.75 mil from him in advance.

The CMLs have already been sent to him, but the Adam has been waiting for this thread. Send me that adam, chappy! ^.~
Total payment, after everything above: $2,154,639.
This, of course, can wait until the boots are finished. Thanks for your business! Please, tell your friends!

chappy [Soup Ream] April 1 2006 3:26 PM EST

chappy (Mishras Factory) Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper) Black Iron Cross ($5787726) -- see PR 4 details 3:26 PM EST

I confirm all that jazz KM said.

chappy [Soup Ream] April 15 2006 11:56 AM EDT

chappy (Tyra) Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper) $2154639 -- DB forge - thx 11:55 AM EDT

Great job KM .. cant wait to have u in the clan tomorrow!
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