Strat Help 2 (in General)

Ragatag April 5 2006 3:26 PM EDT

im starting a new char

was wondering if my two minion ET was good my strat is the following (ps hasn't been created yet)

E: DM, and AS with RoS maybe PL
M: HP and (can't decide which one would be fun FB or CoC)

BootyGod April 5 2006 3:46 PM EDT

probably should be ME then if you are putting PL on the enchanter.... MM might also be worth looking into. But if you are set on on FB or CoC I recommend FB.

Tenchi Muyo April 5 2006 6:02 PM EDT

Just a side-note, I'd say put PL in the back. It'll absorb the damage no matter where it is, but when up against things like MM which do massive damage to one target (likely to overpower PL) it will simply hit the PL minion.

QBOddBird April 5 2006 6:07 PM EDT

If you are using AS with RoS, you'll have a lot of HP on both the enchanter and mage - I'd go CoC. FB hurts you in melee rounds, and it is a good idea to keep your enchanter alive to draw damage. MM would be better if you want to attack during ranged rounds.

And I'm in agreement with Kaiousama about the PL thing.

Rizz April 5 2006 6:14 PM EDT

possibly a small AMF on the M to keep up with those evil decays.
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