10k Prize - Due Date? (in Contests)

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] April 9 2006 10:16 PM EDT

This is bothering me so much.


I wanted to enter but can't find the due date anywhere.

So I'll give 10k if you can help me out and find by when the films must be submitted.

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 9 2006 10:25 PM EDT

I dont think there is a due date because converse is constantly showing these videos

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] April 9 2006 10:27 PM EDT

I just wish this could be confirmed. Like - is there a place on their site or something where they specifically say that?

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 9 2006 10:29 PM EDT

I don't see one but will continue to look did you look on all the forms?

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] April 9 2006 10:30 PM EDT

I looked on a couple of the main forms. It's pretty frustrating that they don't tell you anywhere about a due date. I am becoming convinced that there is none.

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 9 2006 10:33 PM EDT

Yeah i dont think there is any because i looked everywhere on the site i could think of maybe they figure they'll be doing this for a long time

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] April 9 2006 10:36 PM EDT

Yeah they have been for over a year. I didn't send one last time because they had an official due date. Maybe they extended the due date to eternity? Well I will send you 10k for convincing me there is no due date.

If someone else figures out the due date I'll send 25k.

SuperSlick April 9 2006 11:06 PM EDT

June 15th. I win. Send me lots of moneyzzz.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] April 9 2006 11:08 PM EDT

Where does it say that?

SuperSlick April 9 2006 11:57 PM EDT

You wish you knew.
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