Pick your partner, it takes two! (in Contests)

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] April 11 2006 10:37 AM EDT

I got a song in my mind
I been singin' it all day
I'm gonna teach it to you now
C'mon and answer when I say ...

QBJohnnywas April 11 2006 12:37 PM EDT

This isn't the Marvin Gaye tune Shake is it? I'm trying to find my copy of it at home and failing. I think Rod did a version too...

QBJohnnywas April 11 2006 12:40 PM EDT

I can find a Sam Cooke version though, the original version.....

And a Small Faces version, and a funny little garageband from the sixties....

QBJohnnywas April 11 2006 12:57 PM EDT

And an Otis Redding version, and I'm sure there's a Tina Turner version somewhere...

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] April 11 2006 5:00 PM EDT

Poor JW, no one will play with you. :(
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