Multi: Striker, strikeshadow, strike, Strikeshade (in Public Record)

bartjan April 15 2006 6:45 AM EDT

Reset Strikeshadow. Banned the others.

bartjan April 15 2006 6:57 AM EDT

"<strikeshadow> [mail:] Dude, u guys need to say that when I register. Not just zero my accounts. I should at least be able to choose which account to keep w/o losing all my ex & items. I liked this game, but I'll not log in again. Email me at [his email address] if you plan on being reasonable."

Sorry, but it *does* say that when you sign up. It's one of the 5 items you were asked to click 'I agree' when you signed up. In your case, you agreed to having only 1 account *4* times.

BlueWolf April 15 2006 11:33 AM EDT

he also needs to work on naming them differently. lol they are all related.
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