Who hates bot checks? (in General)

alphasynaptic [Azn Forgesmith] April 18 2006 7:06 PM EDT

The bot checks, while they may be necessary to prevent cheating occur far too frequently and are annoying despite their usefulness. So everyone who hates these stupid things respond saying me.

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 18 2006 7:07 PM EDT

who hates bot checks i hate botchecks

HATE them with a passion
yellow ones fuzzy ones furry ones with slippers
yay for randomness

Xenko April 18 2006 7:11 PM EDT

The only reason I play is to get bot checks. When I run out of BA and can't get any more bot checks on CB, I go to CBstuff.nl to admire the bot checks in anticipation of my next one.

What can I say, it's an addiction that is very dear to my heart. I wish there were more bot checks. Every clicked link should have a bot check in my opinion, just to make sure no one is cheating. That would be heaven.

Mantra April 18 2006 7:15 PM EDT

Bot Checks can be very entertaining.

Maelstrom April 18 2006 7:16 PM EDT

I love botchecks! Aside from the great community, the botchecks are the best thing about this game.

OK, I'll admit it: the botchecks are teaching me the meaning of life. Once I get enough of them, and once I can arrange them in the correct order, everything will make sense!

alphasynaptic [Azn Forgesmith] April 18 2006 7:22 PM EDT

Wow, you guys are crazy...

LayWaste-[bA April 18 2006 7:23 PM EDT

Actually, I was watching a documentary on the Egyptian pyramids, and one group of the archaeologists, who have recently found their way into much fame, found traces of what could be ancient botchchecks. It's a very astounding story, and only more proof to the fact that botchecks are essential to everyday life.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] April 18 2006 7:25 PM EDT

You guys still read those things?

...I thought it had become a subconcious maneuver for more than just myself >.<

IndependenZ April 18 2006 7:27 PM EDT


Oh my, that one bot check nearly made me hate them all!

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] April 18 2006 7:35 PM EDT

I love the botchecks! (Yes, all responders, so far, have in common that we can't follow directions.)

{CB1}Lukeyman April 18 2006 7:41 PM EDT

Botchecks are like cops, you know their there, you like them there to stop bad people, but when they come to you, you don't like them..


QBJohnnywas April 18 2006 7:42 PM EDT

My favourite one is the one I got the other day.


Say it loud slowly.

QBBarzooMonkey April 18 2006 8:03 PM EDT


But not really. I just wanted to be the first to follow the directions properly. What I really wanted to say was:

Bot checks? I love 'em! Tossed with a little e-v-o-o & garlic, that there's good eatin'!

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] April 18 2006 8:24 PM EDT

I hate bot-checks when I forge.

QBOddBird April 18 2006 8:28 PM EDT

we should replace the botchecks with something more interactive and fun.

Perhaps a little animated faerie that pops out onto your screen and you have to click it before it gets away? *grins*

Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] April 18 2006 8:39 PM EDT

'More interactive and fun'? Like the math equations from the beginning of cb1? ok by me. :)

[T]Vestax April 18 2006 9:59 PM EDT

Love 'em. Bot-check of the day:

alphasynaptic [Azn Forgesmith] April 18 2006 11:35 PM EDT

re => apocalypse

All I do is forge so bot checks are like the Plague to me. When It takes me an hour to add 2 x1s to a Katana it is pretty sad. Well at least I finally got it to x20 +10. My next goal is x30 +20 like my Executioner's Sword.

re => BarzooMonkey

Congrats on being the first and so far only one to follow directions. But hey I don't mind. The discussion is better than a simple SPAM topic anyway. ;-)

re => {cb3}Caedmon

I wouldn't mind equations at all as long as there's hundreds and as long as I don't get them every forge cycle like I do the current ones.

re => Vestax

I like mine better:

AdminJonathan April 19 2006 12:59 AM EDT

For those of you just joining us, let me remind you that the cheating prevented by botchecks is not a theoretical one. We _have_ seen CB bots.

A Bathing Ape April 19 2006 1:01 AM EDT

how do you spot bots?

bartjan April 19 2006 1:22 AM EDT

If we told that, they would build better bots ;)

A Bathing Ape April 19 2006 1:22 AM EDT


alphasynaptic [Azn Forgesmith] April 19 2006 1:32 AM EDT

Don't get me wrong, I understand the necessity of the bot checks, I just think they occur far too frequently and are a nuisance any way you look at it.

bartjan April 19 2006 1:38 AM EDT

If they were to occur less frequently, then using a bot that always misses the botchecks would start to be worth it...
You'll want to have the botchecks more frequent than the time fighting is disabled for a missed botcheck.

You only get a botcheck (on average) every 30 or 35 fights. This is only about 2 checks per hour...

Blarg April 19 2006 1:52 AM EDT

/me <3 botchecks

xDanELx April 19 2006 2:20 AM EDT

Re: You only get a botcheck (on average) every 30 or 35 fights. This is only about 2 checks per hour...

Really? I get it much more often than that. I think I get much more than that. I've had 3 botchecks out of 10 fights. :P

bartjan April 19 2006 2:37 AM EDT

Pay attention to that 'on average'. No one complains when they have too few botchecks ;)

bartjan April 19 2006 2:45 AM EDT

xDanElx, yesterday you (attempted to) challenge 948 fights. For this you got 41 botchecks. OK, this is a bit more than 1 in every 30 or 35 (1 in 23.1) but far less than 3 out of 10 ;)

xDanELx April 19 2006 4:25 AM EDT

Haha... I guess so. But its those cases where bot checks happen in quick succession that becomes memorable. :)

velvetpickle April 19 2006 7:41 AM EDT

please don't start complaining about bot checks this game would be REALLY booring if Jon takes away fighting and forging :P

alphasynaptic [Azn Forgesmith] April 19 2006 10:41 PM EDT

Speaking of forging and fighting, I just got my privileges revoked because I forgot to answer a bot check because I was playing 5 games at once. That stinks. Stupid unfair...
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