Help on missing equipment (in General)

Bartman April 19 2006 1:51 AM EDT

Can anyone tell me the procedure for getting back a piece of missing equipment?

I put out my BoNE to rent and now can find it anywhere. It's not in my equipment and it's not being shown as rented out.

I can't find any transaction where i would have accidently gotten rid of it.

The stats were [92X61] (+51) with a NW of over 9mil.

Any help would be much appreciated.

bartjan April 19 2006 2:00 AM EDT

Melee Net Worth Cost Period Remaining Rent?
A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x58] (+50) $4,642,715 $20,000 5 days 4 / 00:00:00 rented by JaggedFel311;
back in 12:00:20

Bartman April 19 2006 11:44 AM EDT

Thanks. I guess I had the wrong filter on when I was viewing the rented items.
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