Loaning Genie 2.8mil (in Public Record)

DD34isback(justkidding) [Severswoed Accounting] April 19 2006 5:37 PM EDT

I am loaning OB's_Genie 2,800,000 with interest rate of 4% or 112k cb a week so if he pays back within a week it'll be 2,912,000

Genie April 19 2006 5:38 PM EDT


Genie April 20 2006 8:09 PM EDT

OB's Genie (AJ TheSeekerOfPower) ranger-rules)darkdemon34
(darkdemon) $2912000 -- lukey was 8:08 PM EDT

i needed another loan for those EB's in auction. :P and lukey was at a 1% lower rate! :P i payed you for the next week, so you made some money anyways. :D
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