Multi. Newcomer... (in Public Record)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 28 2006 1:25 AM EDT

using the IP -

just put that IP into store pruchases, and it will come up with Cephied, and endeavourl, which endeavourl has a character named Cephied.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 28 2006 1:38 AM EDT

=> Cephied you there?
=> Cephied you do realize you cannot make multiple accounts correct?
<Cephied> hi
<Cephied> sorry i was talking to my roomate
<Cephied> yes
<Cephied> isnt that cheating?
=> Cephied yes it is
=> Cephied only one account is allowed per person
<Cephied> but I can make more characters right?
=> Cephied on one account you can make two characters, if you become a supporter, yo can make up to five new characters
=> Cephied and your newest account is going to be banned, you older one will be reset, just to let you know
<Cephied> huh?
<Cephied> if my roomate plays this too is that a bad thing?
<Cephied> if we share the same ip address?
=> Cephied you will/can not exchange anything between your characters, and it will be highly frowned upon since you already multied
<Cephied> what does that mean?
=> Cephied you and your roomates characters/accounts
=> Cephied *
<Cephied> we didnt exchange anything...but i guess I cant fight him right?
=> Cephied goto active threads, and post in my thread saying what your deal is
=> Cephied thread labeled, Multi. Newcomer...

Now, i kinda find it hard to believe that his roommate made the account with the character named Cephied, but he says something like his roomate will be playing.

I also told him he cant share anything between the two accounts, but that these actions (him and his roomate playing) will be frowned upon because of the characters/account names conflicting.

So admins, do with it what you must and tell him what he can do.

bartjan April 28 2006 1:56 AM EDT

Banned Cephied, reset endeavourl.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 28 2006 2:00 AM EDT

this was after i posted the other conversation...

<Cephied> or can you just delete my account?
<Cephied> I dont want to mess up what my roomate started
<Cephied> i dont think its as fun as he says it is
<Cephied> sorry
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