Strat Help (in General)

A Bathing Ape April 30 2006 6:20 PM EDT

Am I missing anything? I seem to be losing to single fireball mages and 4 minions/tat teams with ga/as. If I get into melee rounds I win 99% of the time since i often drain 20-30k. Any help?

Nightmare [NewNightmares] April 30 2006 6:31 PM EDT

Any ToA tank needs lots of HP. You're suffering from a lack of AC, DD reduction from MgS/TSA, and DM to shut down opponent's GA. So, to counter you'll need to pound out the HP (figure, about the same or higher than your modified dex).

[T]Vestax April 30 2006 6:39 PM EDT

I've seen that strat before. The problem with single FB mages is that you don't a) dilute their damage enough, particularly since your enchanter is dead after round one, and b) your AMF is being out-paced by their FB. I know I seems like you should be able to keep up, but the standard FB mage is allowed to put well over 50% of their xp into FB. Even if you did match their FB it would only reduce the damage taken by 40% I believe.

As for 4 minion teams, the reason is simple to see. Multiple minion teams just require too many rounds for you to beat them. Against one minion you could do a powerful blow and kill them in one round, but you need at least 4 rounds of combat to beat a 4 minion team. More powerful blows will do nothing for you there. Your getting Single Tank syndrome, plain and simple.

One solution is to go ToE. It cuts the damage a lot. Your damage will still be effective against mages and multiple minion teams won't get much of a DX advantage over you because of their own xp dilution. The trade-off is that most ToA tanks and Single minion tanks would then do better against you.
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