Using CB$ in my local shop? (in Off-topic)

QBJohnnywas May 3 2006 6:33 AM EDT

Some of you may have already seen this bit of news:

A CB ATM card would make a really good supporter item! Now we just need the amounts of USD to pass through here that pass through that particular game and we're ready!

(Open it in a new window to avoid the complications opening bbc pages can cause. If I open in the same page as CB I lose the left frame)

[Admin edit: HTML link added to open in a new window] G_Beee

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] May 3 2006 2:04 PM EDT

Wow, that guy bought his own imaginary space station for $100,000!!! What a bargain!

Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] May 3 2006 2:23 PM EDT

wow that is something else...I recently did a research paper on something similiar to this: The Cultural Impact of the Internet and Technology on Society...this could have been a good online source XD.

as for Freed: already owning 5 of those virtual resort thingies: $500,000

Having powerful CB items named after animal organs: PRICELESS

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