ToA not adding to stats (in General)

punxontheprowl May 11 2006 1:44 AM EDT

So I first thought I noticed it about a 1/2 hour ago, but I'm tired and didn't really think twice about it. Then it started to bug me so I did some testing, and since my ToA was level 495670 until its current level of 496070 my str has remained at 349825 and my dex has stayed at 360492. Also I checked with all my gear off except the ToA and my str has stayed 318023 since the ToA was level 495670 when it should now be 319469. Oh yeah, I also have a natural str of 61513 so if you feel compelled to do the math go ahead.
Keep in mind the ToA is named and the total above take that into account. The bottom line is that the ToA has gained levels but had no effect on my Str or Dex for the last hour or so.

punxontheprowl May 11 2006 1:46 AM EDT

Blah, never mind. As soon as I post this it fixes itself.

Drakon(DS) May 11 2006 2:33 AM EDT

just for future refrence try going to the train page and clicking train (you dont have to train exp) that usually updates your stats just think of it as your update myself button
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