Decay not immune to GA? (in General)

Nerevas May 15 2006 12:22 AM EDT

I thought decay was immune to GA.
Wiki says:

"A Decay mage may still be the last Minion standing if Guardian Angel is involved, however"


"* Decay is unaffected by Mage Shield
* Decay is unaffected by Trollskin Armor
* Decay is (not tested this yet but supposedly) unaffected by Tattoo of Endurance
* AMF is the only way to counter Decay, which makes having an Antimagic Field Spell trained on your character when you have a Tank almost a necessity."

It doesn't come right out and say that its immune to GA but it hints at it and this is what I've heard. However in my battles my decay minion does in fact receive GA retaliation.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] May 15 2006 12:26 AM EDT

The Wiki quote is referring to your own team's Decay and GA. It is only referring to the fact that your team may win the battle with only a Decay mage left if you have GA. Even though your decay cannot kill the enemy, it can get their HP low enough that your GA will kill them with its damage.

On the other issue, Decay is a direct damage spell. It deals damage. Their GA retaliates to damage. Seems simple enough to me.

Nerevas May 15 2006 12:45 AM EDT

Ahhh. Ok I just misunderstood that line in the wiki description... Thanks.
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