Loaning Nerevas 300k for ~1 day (in Public Record)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] May 28 2006 7:49 PM EDT

<Nerevas> hey
<Nerevas> could you loan me 300k for a day?
<Nerevas> won't take me long at all to repay
=> Nerevas yea, just amke a PR post and ill confirm and send payment.
=> Nerevas or Money*
<Nerevas> I can't forum post, but feel free to make one

Sending money as soon as this PR post is posted.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] May 28 2006 7:52 PM EDT

(/\quaTeenHungerForce) Nerevas (Black Sophist) $300000 -- loan ~1 Day 7:50 PM EDT

To be paid back asap. Thanks!
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