BMVG: Pair of Elven Boots 6/05 (in General)

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] June 5 2006 10:31 PM EDT

Pair of Elven Boots 51 83 38.6%
This is obviously what everybody else decided to vote on.
*mumbles something about the uselessness of this thread*
So far we've got one vote for this week from Bast on a MCM, so the rest of you should vote here.
Bast is the only one allowed to vote by CM. ^_~
I don't know what I'll vote on yet, we'll see.

Flamey June 6 2006 3:21 AM EDT

MCM, why not

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 6 2006 4:42 AM EDT

I can vote! :D

I can vote! :D

I feel all giddy now! ;)


QBJohnnywas June 6 2006 4:49 AM EDT

MCM next eh? Yes I'll go along with that. Need one for my next NCB anyhow!

AdminG Beee June 6 2006 4:58 AM EDT

Wait a minute, I'm confused. EBs or MCM - looks like EBs are winning the popular vote ??

Flamey June 6 2006 5:03 AM EDT

EBs in the BM, but to vote in the thread MCM is winning, we vote here, so people can vote for one thing.

and that means MCM is prob for next week, as EBs are for this weed :)

RAMPAGE June 7 2006 4:59 AM EDT

Yippee!! It is only Wednesday but the BM bug finally let me vote. =)
Pair of Elven Boots 79 83 4.8%
Only 4 more votes to go.Come on people vote now while we still can.

Flamey June 7 2006 8:26 AM EDT

isnt there someway we can get this under news or something, a message saying its important to vote in here so everybody votes in the BM in unison, maybe a poll.

when you think about it, its not that much, or allow polls in threads :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 7 2006 10:18 AM EDT

BM Guide is unofficial (not admin run) and will likely stay that way if I understand Jon's position.
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