BlueWolf/Caedmon debt ending (in Public Record)

BlueWolf June 6 2006 10:54 PM EDT

[BW]Taylor (BWs Bank) Caedmon (Caedmon) $150000 -- only 50k left whoo!! 10:52 PM EDT
[BW]Taylor (BWs Bank) Caedmon (Caedmon) $150000 -- how much left??? May 24 2006 9:09 PM EDT
[BW]Taylor (WolfKing) Caedmon (Caedmon) $100000 -- 400k left May 19 2006 3:38 PM EDT
[BW]Taylor (BWs Bank) Caedmon (Caedmon) $150000 -- 500k left May 19 2006 10:20 AM EDT
[BW]Taylor (BWs Bank) Caedmon (Caedmon) $100000 -- 650k left.

as far as i see, it's only 50k left to go, if i'm wrong, please correct me

Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] June 7 2006 12:22 PM EDT

I disputed your figures in a chatmail on May 25, claiming you were 50k low (likely interest). Even if we accept your figures, 400k minus two payments of 150k leaves 100k. Again, without interest. However, I am willing to accept 100k to pay off the loan if it comes soon. It has been almost three months! Loan was made on 3/16. Just pay me 100k and let's finish this thing.

For the lawyers in the room, I offer to retire the debt if paid 100k on or before 6/16.

BlueWolf June 7 2006 1:36 PM EDT

yes, sorry for taking so long, very hasty parents and many family problems, we are about to take off away from my father, but i'll try to get it.

BlueWolf June 12 2006 7:13 PM EDT

sent it. :P sorry for such a long time in this little loan, i'm not good with fighting and getting money.
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