anybody play FFXI? (in Off-topic)

Zeromus June 14 2006 10:46 AM EDT

i just started and i was wondering if you guys played?

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] June 14 2006 11:33 AM EDT

I used to, until my old style PS2 died. Then I couldn't play anymore b/c we bought a new style PS2 replacement. But when I "quit" I was a lvl 42 RDM/29 WHM ^_^ I had just started the summoner quest too. /me grinds her teeth I had Nichan's (we were in the diabolos realm) rare equipment on too. :(

Mem June 15 2006 3:17 AM EDT

Don't do it! I haven't played in about a year now, but I'll tell you that it's just about the most efficient way to waste your time. At the time I played I was in a band, coaching a basketball team, and working 40 hours a week, but still managed to wrack up more than 30 full days in a span of 6 months. What a brutal 6 months that was... Anyways, if you're concerned about your life then you shouldn't play it. If you're not, then by all means. It is a wonderful game. Much prettier to look at than WoW. And plus, they have pirates now with the newest expansion...
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