why so many bot checks? (in General)

Kelelle Son of Jor-El June 16 2006 5:54 PM EDT

I have been playing CB2 for almost a year now and for some reason lately I have been getting more bot checks than usual, anyone else with the same problem or an explanation why so many I would appreciate you knowledge. Thank you.

Maelstrom June 16 2006 6:02 PM EDT

The CB server has decided that it doesn't like you, and is specifically targetting you with more botchecks.

drudge June 16 2006 6:58 PM EDT

that might explain why I'm getting less bot checks then

LayWaste-[bA June 17 2006 10:31 AM EDT

What are botchecks?

bartjan June 17 2006 10:45 AM EDT

From the server logs for yesterday, I see you did 861 battles, and got 35 botchecks, Kelelle.
3 of those were second chances, so actually 32 out of 861 battles were with a botcheck.
My calculator tells me that that works out to 1 botcheck in every 26.9 battles. This is a bit higher than the 1 in 35 which is what I believe the standard, but because the timing of the botchecks is random, there's always some variation in it.
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