Shamu/Barzoo RoS insta (in Public Record)

QBBarzooMonkey June 21 2006 8:10 PM EDT

Shamu Kitten is insta'ing my RoS as per:

FS/WTB 230k+ lvl named RoS for insta by Shamu Kitten at June 19 2006 10:43 AM EDT

To: Shamu Kitten Sent: June 19 2006 11:29 AM EDT Delivered: 7:42 PM EDT I have A Rune of Solitude lvl 130,270 about 2.2 mil nw...

From: Shamu Kitten Sent: 7:46 PM EDT Delivered: 7:47 PM EDT okay, is yours named? If so, then send 1m and your RoS to Clint, and I'll send mine, If yours isn't named, send 1.3m.

BarzooMonkey (Penultimate Days) Shamu Kitten (Clint)$1300000 -- RoS insta 7:49 PM EDT

BarzooMonkey (Penultimate Days) Shamu Kitten (Clint) A Rune of Solitude ($2229698) -- RoS insta 7:49 PM EDT
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