The WonderStuff.... (in Off-topic)

QBJohnnywas June 22 2006 1:08 PM EDT

This might not mean anything to anybody but I'm just listening to for the first time in years a British band called The WonderStuff. They were about in the late Eighties and early Nineties and for a few years Miles Hunt the singer/songwriter shared a flat with a really good friend of mine. The night after Joe Strummer from The Clash died me and he raised a few glasses to a man who was a hero to us both. But I hadn't listened to one of Mile's albums for years.

Currently listening to their album from 1991 'Never Loved Elvis'. If you like The Clash, The Waterboys, The Cure, Blur or current guitars bands like The Arctic Monkeys you will probably find something to like in The WonderStuff.

That's all. Just wanted to share ;)

QBBarzooMonkey June 22 2006 2:24 PM EDT

Welcome To The Cheap Seats!!! :D

QBBarzooMonkey June 22 2006 11:51 PM EDT

Thank you for this! I pulled out the aforementioned "Welcome To The Cheap Seats" for a re-visit a little while ago. I'd forgotten how much I love his voice. Killer cover of The Jam's "That's Entertainment"...


QBJohnnywas June 23 2006 3:26 AM EDT

Get the albums get the albums!
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