Rip apart these strats ( see how many times) :D (in General)

Flamey June 26 2006 3:00 AM EDT

Ok, so i got bored in my detention and started drawing up some strats, quickly that is. also looking for strats for my NCB, i wanna think of one so see more of my posts.

at a later date i will post the best of what i can find and you guys/girls can help me pick one :D

Strat (1) (Tank Based)

Minion - 1 - (EO) - AMF (ED) - VA ---- Corn(optional)

Minion - 2 - (ED) - Haste (Skill) - PL ---- Corn

Minion - 3 - (ToA) (BL) Tank

Gear For Tank
Helm of Ecthelion
Amulet of Might
Displacement Boots
Tulkas' Gauntlets
(optional) Mithril Shield

(Optional) Minion - 4 - AS and PL ---- Corn

Strat (2) (Tank Based) Minion - 1 - (EO) - AMF (ED) - VA (Skill) - PL

Minion - 2 - ToA Tank -

Gear For Tank
Helm of Ecthelion
Amulet of Might
Displacement Boots/ Elven Boots
Tulkas' Gauntlets/ Elven Gloves
(optional) Mithril Shield Minion - 3 - (ED) - AS (Skill) PL

Strat (3) (Mage Based) (This has probably been suggested)

Minion - 1 - (EO) - DM (ED) - Prot

Minion - 2 - ToE Mage - (DD) Fireball

this took me forever so discuss! ok!

QBJohnnywas June 26 2006 3:19 AM EDT

Strats 1 and 2.... assuming you are training hp on the enchanter as well... try it with the tank at the front rather than the back. Strat 1 do train PL - train on both enchanters. Make sure in all of them that you have suffficient HP on all minions.

For strat three I would train a large AS over prot. A variation on that one is to have a FF with a single minion enchanter training only AS and PL. Being a single minion means that you will get a HUGE enchantment by the time you reach the higher levels which gives you both a ready made wall. Put a weapon on the enchanter to get the familiar into the right position.

Flamey June 26 2006 3:27 AM EDT

there are 4 minions on strat 1, with PL i didn't think it would be neccesary to have on the 3.

i like what you've said about strat 3, i will keep it in mind.

if that team had to have a ToE what would you suggest.

Flamey June 26 2006 3:30 AM EDT

Minion - 2 - ToE Mage - (DD) Fireball - AG, AoI. that AoI will help

QBJohnnywas June 26 2006 4:04 AM EDT

Didn't see the optional minion 4 on strat 1!

For strat 3 if I was doing a ToE team I would still train AS instead of prot. If the AS is large enough you wouldn't need to worry about friendly fire so much, and, your ToE is doing the same thing as prot anyway. Give the ToE something to work with - the more HP it has the more use you're getting out of it.

And actually my suggestion for the FF team would work here as well. Put PL on the enchanter and put him at the back.

Flamey June 26 2006 4:40 AM EDT

ok thanks, still want more views and opinions on this.

BootyGod June 26 2006 3:15 PM EDT

Well I am currently running a W/E/T NCB character. ToA.
I am running nothing but HP and PL on wall (obviously) and mostly AMF with some AS on enchanter. I think if you went nothing but AMF on one E and Haste on the second and the Tank was normal there should be nothing to really stop you except EC. You won't need Haste against mages (they DM it but a huge AMF stops em) and you have enough Haste to stop single tanks. I like it though you may consider straight elven gear on tank to use that haste effectively.
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