CB Lottery (Flamey Style) #9 (in Contests)

Flamey June 27 2006 3:53 AM EDT

Flamey Lottery INFO NOTE:Please read this carefully so you don't get anything wrong.

NOTE:please read the tickets bought after the last update, so you don’t buy another ticket, its to avoid confusion for me.

Ok another lottery, pot has started with $340,073 (but i will use some of this to cover x-fer fees(remember this is non-profit)), Mikel is drawing all 3 numbers. The ticket prices are as follows.






note: 5 tickets are max

the reason behind the expensive prices is that people with a lot of money have to pay more for a ticket, therefore discouraging them to buy multiple tickets. so a new player only has to pay 10k.

the prizing will go like this:

1st prize gets 60% of total pot

2nd prize gets 30% of total pot

3rd prize gets 10% of total pot

e.g. pot is 500k

1st prize will get 300k

2nd prize will get 150k

3rd prize will get 50k

we will be using random.org

there will be 50 tickets up for sale.

Please Send all money to Flamey Lottery and not Flamey. Once again Please Send all money to Flamey Lottery.

Mikel is going to pick the numbers right before I announce who wins.

please keep all info on this thread and no CMs(Chat Mails) please.

clearly post the ticket number(s) and the transfer log with the correct money. i shall CM you if you have chosen a number somebody else has and tell you to pick another.

if in any case the pot is smaller than 300k there will always be 3 winners. if the pot is more than 300k and a ticket is drawn and no one owns it the money will stay in the pot making in larger for next time.

I will stop the buying of tickets in about a week's time and i will CM Mikel for the numbers. when Mikel can he will post the numbers and i will give money A.S.A.P.

SuperSlick June 28 2006 6:09 PM EDT

11, 12, 13, 14, 15

From IP To What When
SuperSlick (Ferdinand) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $100000 -- 11,12,13,14,15 6:09 PM EDT

Nerevas June 28 2006 6:36 PM EDT

Nerevas (Black Sophist) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- #3

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] June 28 2006 6:39 PM EDT

Looks like a good contest, thanks for taking the trouble! Number 31 please!!!

Vaynard (Stalker) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- #31 please 6:39 PM EDT

Flamey June 29 2006 5:13 AM EDT

/me was starting to think nobody was interested.

Pot: $460,073

Tickets Buyers
#3 Nerevas
#11 Superslick
#12 Superslick
#13 Superslick
#14 Superslick
#15 Superslick
#31 Vaynard

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 8:41 AM EDT


Kane and Abel June 29 2006 8:57 AM EDT

#42 and thanks for the fish :)

Genie June 29 2006 8:59 AM EDT

[Genie]Glowie's Bubble
(AJ TheSeekerOfPower) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $100000 -- 47, 32, 29, 16, 8 8:55 AM EDT

47, 32, 29, 16, 8

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 8:59 AM EDT


Flamey June 29 2006 9:07 AM EDT

if you wish i usually post once a day.


Tickets Buyers
#3 Nerevas
#8 Genie
#11 Superslick
#12 Superslick
#13 Superslick
#14 Superslick
#15 Superslick
#16 Genie
#25 GentlemanLoser
#29 Genie
#31 Vaynard
#32 Genie
#42 Kane and Abel
#47 Genie

[me]Davis June 29 2006 9:29 AM EDT

Davis[Pirate and Ninja]
({Storage}) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $100000 -- 45,46,48,49,50 9:24 AM EDT

45,46,48,49,50 hope this works again hahaa

Elros June 29 2006 9:40 AM EDT

Elros (Elros) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $50000 -- 21,22,23...please 9:40 AM EDT

Flamey June 30 2006 4:19 AM EDT

Pot: $730,073

Tickets Buyers
#3 Nerevas
#8 Genie
#11 Superslick
#12 Superslick
#13 Superslick
#14 Superslick
#15 Superslick
#16 Genie
#21 Elros
#22 Elros
#23 Elros
#25 GentlemanLoser
#29 Genie
#31 Vaynard
#32 Genie
#42 Kane and Abel
#45 Davis
#46 Davis
#47 Genie
#48 Davis
#49 Davis
#50 Davis

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 30 2006 4:27 AM EDT

LOL! Just remembered my post here. It wasn't to request an updated Table Flamey (I'm no slave master! :P).

'Kane and Able' is Cockney Rhyming Slang for Table.


Flamey June 30 2006 5:35 AM EDT

oh right ; )

Mazzus June 30 2006 8:31 PM EDT

Mazzus (Monkies!) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- #1 please

Flamey July 1 2006 7:35 AM EDT

Pot: $740,073


4 more days left

Tickets Buyers
#1 Mazzus
#3 Nerevas
#8 Genie
#11 Superslick
#12 Superslick
#13 Superslick
#14 Superslick
#15 Superslick
#16 Genie
#21 Elros
#22 Elros
#23 Elros
#25 GentlemanLoser
#29 Genie
#31 Vaynard
#32 Genie
#42 Kane and Abel
#45 Davis
#46 Davis
#47 Genie
#48 Davis
#49 Davis
#50 Davis

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 1 2006 7:42 AM EDT

Borderliner (Team 7) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 #7 please

GO PATS July 1 2006 7:46 AM EDT

(Kampfverband) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 7:46 AM EDT

#27 please... 3 cubed.

Lost in the Corn July 1 2006 7:47 AM EDT

Lost in the Corn (Corn man) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 7:46 AM EDT

#44, thanks

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] July 1 2006 7:54 AM EDT

#34 thx

(CB1)logan666 (I Win) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- #34 7:53 AM EDT

[Quoth]The Raven July 1 2006 7:54 AM EDT

[Quoth]The Raven (Bridgeburners) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $100000 7:51 AM EDT

I'll take numbers, 2, 4, 5, 30 and 43 Thanks

SquarePants July 1 2006 7:55 AM EDT

SquarePants (Gawd) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $50000 7:53 AM EDT


please, GL to me XD

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 1 2006 7:55 AM EDT

(Chosen of Endings) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $90000 -- #5,10,19,28 7:55 AM EDT

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 1 2006 7:59 AM EDT

Raven took 5, so 41 for me please. :)

Flamey July 1 2006 8:21 AM EDT

good work guys

Pot: $1,020,073

Tickets Buyers
#1 Mazzus
#2 [Quoth]The Raven
#3 Nerevas
#4 [Quoth]The Raven
#5 [Quoth]The Raven
#7 Borderliner
#8 Genie
#10 QBGentlemanLoser
#11 Superslick
#12 Superslick
#13 Superslick
#14 Superslick
#15 Superslick
#16 Genie
#19 QBGentlemanLoser
#21 Elros
#22 Elros
#23 Elros
#25 GentlemanLoser
#27 RoninOgre(MooshLooLoo)
#28 QBGentlemanLoser
#29 Genie
#30 [Quoth]The Raven
#31 Vaynard
#32 Genie
#34 (CB1)logan666
#37 SquarePants
#38 SquarePants
#39 SquarePants
#41 QBGentlemanLoser
#42 Kane and Abel
#43 [Quoth]The Raven
#44 Lost in the Corn
#45 Davis
#46 Davis
#47 Genie
#48 Davis
#49 Davis
#50 Davis

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 1 2006 12:24 PM EDT

IP To What When
Hakai (Haruka) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $100000 -- 6,9,17,24 & 40 plz 12:24 PM EDT

I'll take some of the few left: 6, 9, 17, 24, and 40 for me please ^^

Nerevas July 1 2006 4:01 PM EDT

Only 5 numbers left, wow!

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 1 2006 4:10 PM EDT

actually there are six numbers left: #18, #20, #26, #33, #35 and #36

[me]Davis July 1 2006 7:31 PM EDT

i hope i win

Flamey July 1 2006 10:54 PM EDT

Massive Pot. 1 number left, i guess we will have to wait until someone buys or the end of the week.


Tickets Buyers
#1 Mazzus
#2 [Quoth]The Raven
#3 Nerevas
#4 [Quoth]The Raven
#5 [Quoth]The Raven
#6 Hakai
#7 Borderliner
#8 Genie
#9 Hakai
#10 QBGentlemanLoser
#11 Superslick
#12 Superslick
#13 Superslick
#14 Superslick
#15 Superslick
#16 Genie
#17 Hakai
#19 QBGentlemanLoser
#20 HI_IM_JAKE_2
#21 Elros
#22 Elros
#23 Elros
#24 Hakai
#25 GentlemanLoser
#26 HI_IM_JAKE_2
#27 RoninOgre(MooshLooLoo)
#28 QBGentlemanLoser
#29 Genie
#30 [Quoth]The Raven
#31 Vaynard
#32 Genie
#33 HI_IM_JAKE_2
#34 (CB1)logan666
#35 HI_IM_JAKE_2
#36 HI_IM_JAKE_2
#37 SquarePants
#38 SquarePants
#39 SquarePants
#40 Hakai
#41 QBGentlemanLoser
#42 Kane and Abel
#43 [Quoth]The Raven
#44 Lost in the Corn
#45 Davis
#46 Davis
#47 Genie
#48 Davis
#49 Davis
#50 Davis

Ariac July 1 2006 10:57 PM EDT

(MM)Joey (hehe strategy) Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- # 18 10:56 PM EDT
18 please. good luck everybody!!!

Flamey July 1 2006 11:04 PM EDT

CM'd and PM'd mikel, he will post soon.

End pot: $1,230,073

1st ---- $735,000

2nd ----- $367,000

3rd ------ $122,000

ok i took: 3k off 1st
2k off 2nd
1k off 3rd

it obviously makes sense, its to pay for xfers.

Mikel [Bring it] July 2 2006 3:19 AM EDT

11, 9 and 33.
Congrats to the winners.

Flamey July 2 2006 3:31 AM EDT

congratulations on the winners.

just a note. i have lost money from running this to pay for xfer fees, even after reducing the prizes i still need to pay 1k from my own pocket.

next time i will make sure i wont waste any of my money on this.

Flamey July 2 2006 10:42 PM EDT

these were the xfer logs

* Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) Nerevas (Storage Vault II) $122000 -- winning lottery 3:28 AM EDT

* Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) Hakai (Haruka) $367000 -- winning lottery 3:24 AM EDT

* Flamey Kitten (Flamey Lottery) SuperSlick (Ferdinand) $735000 -- winning lottery 3:24 AM EDT

as you can see i sent money to the wrong person, i sent to #3, but the winner was #33. I'm trying to figure something out with nerevas...

HI_IM_JAKE_2 actually won.

Flamey July 2 2006 11:36 PM EDT

fixed everything up, gave money for inconveniences to the respective people.

gave nerevas 11k, as he sent back money.

gave jake, 111k and 275k NW tat.

Nerevas July 3 2006 12:08 AM EDT

Looks like I managed 4th place: return of entry fee =)

Mazzus July 3 2006 12:09 AM EDT

Again Again!!
(PSST next time pick _MY_ number.... )
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