EEMM....variations on a theme? (in General)

QBJohnnywas June 27 2006 7:01 AM EDT

Good morning all. My next NCB is coming soon. I have my ideas for strategy sorted and I've been hoarding some items for use later on. But in the meantime because I want my team to grow quickly and make me some cash I'm going with a basic EEMM team. I'm planning to raise it until I get to around 200k and then introduce my proper strategy then.

My main experience of a 4 minion team was the original Jack Crow team, which was a large ToE/CoC mage at the back, two mage shield walls and an AMF enchanter. Very low on enchantments and a single damage dealer. I want to work with the trad EEMM set up. But I'm not sure which DD spells to use, what enchantments work best with each other. My main thinking lies towards the following

enchanter 1 - AS
enchanter 2 - AMF/GA
Mage 1 - HP/MM
Mage 2 - HP/CoC./ToE

Very basic, old fashioned set up. Doesn't require much thinking, nor work and should make life quite easy until I do my required changes. But I get bored easily! So - any tweaks, changes, variations? Would you for instance have two MMs Or change the ToE to an familiar tattoo? Anything at all? I've spent so much time thinking about more 'interesting and original' ideas and how to make them work that I've forgotten the basics!

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] June 27 2006 7:13 AM EDT

Ever tried it Rommel's way?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 27 2006 7:34 AM EDT

You love the ToE, and it works wonders with 4 minions, so leave it at that. I can't stop myself suggesting a RoS with four minions though! ;)

As for DD spells, if you're set on having two, why not two CoCs? Depending onhow long your front mage lasts.

FB would be a bad idea, so the only other choice is MM. :)

QBJohnnywas June 27 2006 7:40 AM EDT

Seran, yup I looked at Rommel's strat. But I don't like to use FB on larger teams. At higher levels you end up doing too much damage to yourself.

And GL 'you love the ToE' sounds faintly disturbing.

I stick with the ToE because I know how to get the best out of it. And when I'm bored with maximising it I can just leave it. It's one of those lovely items that fits all scenarios. My experiments with the RoS haven't been anywhere nearly as successful. As I've said many times I've had better results out of ToE enhanced HP than I have with boosted AS. However I've better toys to play with now so maybe......


Flamey June 28 2006 1:35 AM EDT

don't know how you could implement it but you could try the PL battery(Sefton's idea.)

which is a wall, pumped with HP and PL, and with a AoI so it absorbs and never gets hit.

just a thought :)
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