EBS/Nerevas Deal (in Public Record)

Nerevas June 28 2006 10:10 PM EDT

I am buying the following from EBS

Chain Mail Leggings [18] (+32) 841,257
TG's [6] (+13) 375,788
Elven Cloak [4] (+7) 180,073
Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+12) 434,040
Buckler of Mandos [10] (+18) 473,068

I am paying 4.3mil total. 2.2mil upfront, 2.1mil remainder to be paid ASAP. If I fail to pay the remainder within 2 weeks I will give EBS all of his items back for free =)

TheEverblacksky June 28 2006 10:11 PM EDT

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