Change to two minions? (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 4:14 AM EDT

I've been thinking about Seftons comments on using an AoI, and I'm considering moving away from a Single Mage to using two minions.

1) Mage: FB, PL, Small AMF and AS.

Wearing a AoI and a RoS, EBs and AGs.

2) Mage: MM, small DM, small GA.

Wearing AoAC (wishlist..), ABs, CoI (Another wishlist..) and a McM

I get some AC to reduce the amount the PL battery is taking, and Mage Items to help boost my MM. I'll still be able to keep about 50% of my total XP into my main DD spell.

I'd like to fit Decay in there somewhere, but Decay works with CoC not FB, and my plan is still to dish out lots of damage in Ranged.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 5:35 AM EDT

:) I'm thinking of changing totally. Going down a slower, more durable route.

How about (still with 2 minions);

1) Mage: HP, Decay, PL, AMF/DM, Protection

With AoI

2) Mage: HP, CoC

With AoAC, ToE, AG, EB, MS, Cab.

Physical damage and MM would be reduced by AC/ToE/Prot then transfered by PL to first minion.

Mage would keep ToE AMF backlash reduction and last longer. Hopefully with enough HP invested, Decay Mage will last into Melee...

What do you all think?

Flamey June 29 2006 5:50 AM EDT

the 2nd works fine, you are a mage i'd probably suggest DM instead of AMF, you probably wont have it high as the AMF's out there but it will certainly weaken the effect which is what you need, because it seems you want to survive then do damage with the AC/ToE/Prot/PL.

thats all i can think of, atm.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 5:52 AM EDT

My DM won't reduce others AMF cast on me. :(

QBJohnnywas June 29 2006 5:59 AM EDT

I like the 'durable' strat. Mythology, I think it was, had a pile of two minion chars all set up with decay and CoC - I tried it out for a while back in the 'old days' and it worked nicely but after a while AMF killed it stone dead.

But if you follow some of Seft's thinking and with the items you list it suddenly becomes a lot more promising. I'd be inclined to lose protection - the ToE is already doing the same thing. I know you'll probably be only looking at your favourite 'base prot' but keep the slot free. Later on you could start growing an AS, or GA.

You want as much HP as you can afford on this one though - especially your CoC mage - you don't want to run the risk of being left at the end of a battle with just a decay mage.......

Flamey June 29 2006 6:03 AM EDT

jeez, i didn't even know that, just read the wiki :)

well, i think if you are going defensive DM would still be good, as it can reduce mostly AS and GA, and most probably fizzle the Protections out there to make your opponent more vulnerable.

AMF would really only cause them to hurt themselves, not really keeping up with single mages out there. especially those with only HP/DD.

well, i hope you can see my point, though im probably oblivious to some obvious things.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 6:22 AM EDT

GA would be good if I'm left with only the Decay Mage.

But, GA doesn't trigger on damage absorbed by PL, and with PL I'm sure in most cases the Decay Mage will die before the CoC Mage.

So I don't see GA as really being too useful. :)

I've always prefered DM for offensive builds, and AMF for defensive.

I'm going to stear clear of base Decay and Mage Shields, so AMF will help me versus CoC/FB (and pesky base decays!)

I could just leave Protection as Base on the CoC Mage, that owuldn't suck up too much xp. I'm not sure how much AS would help, as it'd be vulnerable to DM without a RoS... :/

QBJohnnywas June 29 2006 6:25 AM EDT

It would be vulnerable yup, but on the other hand not everyone has DM...

This more than most is a strat that is going to be reliant on HP over damage output. Any extra means of staying alive is a good thing!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 6:30 AM EDT


1) Mage: HP, Decay, PL, AMF, AS

With AoI (and EBs, AGs, Corn, CoI when I win the lottery!)

2) Mage: HP, CoC, Base AMF ( I like all four slots filled, look nicer!), Base Prot

With AoAC, ToE, AG, EB, MS, Cab. (About 60AC before MS, so around 90 total?)

Flamey June 29 2006 7:58 AM EDT

entering the lotter could help, GL!

well if your actually going AC you will have 100+ on your mage

AoAC at about +15,
Cab at around +7 or +8(doesn't cost to much) = 10
EBs can easily get you +30, +40 if your hardcore but lets say +30

thats 55AC

MS around +30 (max is +50) so you can get 100 without going to hardcore.

143 AC if you get AoAC +20, cab +10, EBs +30, MS +50.

i seriously can't think of anything else, just felt like posting your AC

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 8:00 AM EDT

Thanks! :D

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 10:44 AM EDT

Antoher question.

Should I move the ToE to the front (Decay) mage?

I'll lose the AMF backlash reduction and some of the Endurance, but gain the ability to wear a CoI and MCM (or Adam..) on the CoC Mage instead.

QBJohnnywas June 29 2006 10:46 AM EDT

Leave the ToE on the CoC mage! Yes, you'd gain more power to your DD with what you're suggesting but you want him to last, 'endure' if you will, until melee. All the power in his DD spell won't matter a bit if he's dead before he uses it.......

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 29 2006 10:51 AM EDT

So the added AC from an Adam wouldn't be worth trading out a ToE for?

QBJohnnywas June 29 2006 10:53 AM EDT

Not in my experience no. Mostly it's the AMF backlash that gets you. The ToE really does do a good job cutting that back and you notice the difference when you try to armour up your mage.

QBJohnnywas June 29 2006 10:59 AM EDT

If you had other means of protecting him - that is more minions then switching the ToE to another minion and chucking on loads of armour is something that would work, some of the time. But it comes down to the AMF backlash again. Now, if Jon could introduce an Amulet Of Endurance, which gave some ToE qualities to a single minion.........
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