Possible bug with PL & VA? (in General)

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] June 30 2006 2:08 AM EDT

I've seen this before, but never bothered to post it... seeing it again made me remember though. What's happening in this round, if not a bug? You can see that my minion, John Dillinger, clearly cries out his battle cry, indicating that he killed Voidwalker, yet Voidwalker still absorbs CoC damage in the next hit, as well as being missed by my enchanter's decay. Has 'simultaneous' finally become just that? It was my belief that if the minion was killed earlier in the round, he would not be around to keep absorbing hits unless he brought himself back to life with VA.

Hung Mung glanced off of Voidwalker [2928]
Hung Mung glanced off of Voidwalker [2766]
John Dillinger clove Voidwalker with His Legendary Piece [78347]
John Dillinger's His Legendary Piece went snicker-snack! [63294]
John Dillinger cries "Lie down on the floor!"
Adam Weishaupt takes damage from his own Cone of cold (60485)!
Adam Weishaupt's Cone of cold hit Voidwalker [34173], Doomguard [13040]
Adam Weishaupt cries "Ewige Blumenkraft!!"
Malaclypse the Younger takes damage from his own Decay (20185)!
Malaclypse the Younger's Decay hit Voidwalker for no damage

Voidwalker swung wildly at Hung Mung
Doomguard rived Hung Mung [84190]
Malaclypse the Younger absorbs damage [10474]
Doomguard draws strength from his weapon! [35097]
Hung Mung's Guardian Angel smote Doomguard (12068)
Doomguard lacerated Hung Mung [93212]
Malaclypse the Younger absorbs damage [10474]
Doomguard draws strength from his weapon! [35611]
Hung Mung's Guardian Angel smote Doomguard (12413)
R.I.P. Voidwalker
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