Rental thoughts ... (in General)

Halcyon July 8 2006 12:40 PM EDT

I would like to know, if I'm the only one who thinks on the following 2:

One, I think there should be an option to reduce the time that an item is in rentals, AFTER it's been put up. Or, the ability to cancel it, when it's not rented out. Sometimes you have an offer to sell an item, but can't for another 21 days or the what have yous.

Two, also the ability to return an item early, if you should so need to. A better item comes along, or you simply have no need for that item anymore.

Just thoughts .. and I don't think I'm the only one.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 8 2006 1:26 PM EDT

I agree on both points ^_^

There's been many a time where I don't need an item I've rented for the whole time, thus I'm keeping someone else from using the item. I wouldn't even care about a refund for time not used. There's also been times where either I've needed to use an item in rentals for myself but have had to wait (after a changelog or strategy change) or times where I have wanted to, as stated above, sell the item in rentals but have had to wait.

I also happen to know there's at least a dozen other people who agree with us.

Halcyon July 8 2006 1:38 PM EDT

I'm all for the "no-refund" too. My instance today, was a MgS .. which, I had forgoten about the downside of it, and put it on my W/AS .. so, 10k wasted, yes .. I don't need the item, and would much rather it be availible for others to use.

This pretty much started, when I put my BG's and TSA in rentals for a month, two days later .. people were seeking to buy. And now, I have to search for a buyer. Simply, I prefer the convience and ability to jump to a decent off, as opposed to awaiting another.
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